Cara Mann has shared a new song called ‘Thoughtless’. It’s taken from the Bristolian singer-songwriter’s upcoming debut EP, Consolations. Check it out below.
“I wrote this over a summer where I was totally adrift – it was quite a lonely time, and I felt that, in a bid for some kind of connection, I was making myself vulnerable to the wrong people,” Mann explained in a statement. “‘Thoughtless’ is a recognition of that unhealthy tendency in myself, as well as being about the way people can take too much of someone, without even realising.”
“There’s a lot about water in the song, about the sea, the waves,” she added. “I grew up by a river in France, and I think have always felt most at home in landscapes with water nearby. It’s a mixture of finding it comforting and familiar, but also being aware of the power of the current, the tide, or the swell, and feeling helpless and fragile next to them.”
Recorded at home with producer Benjamin Spike-Saunders, Consolations is out February 24 via Sad Club Records. Previously, Clara Mann released her debut single ‘I Didn’t Know You Were Leaving Today’.