Saturday Night Live has announced its first hosts and musical guests for 2021. Machine Gun Kelly is set to play the season premiere on January 30 with host John Krasinski, while Phoebe Bridgers will perform on the February 6 episode hosted by Schitt’s Creek co-creator and star Dan Levy. Nathaniel Rateliff will be the musical guest on February 13 with One Night in Miami director Regina King as host. All three musical guests and hosts will be making their Saturday Night Live debuts. Check out the official announcement below.
Saturday Night Live has two additional episodes slated for February 20 and 27, but no hosts and musical guests have yet been announced. The final episode of SNL before Christmas saw Dua Lipa performing with Kristen Wiig as host.
Phoebe Bridgers’ most recent album Punisher, released last June, earned her a Grammy nomination for Best Alternative Music Album. She followed it up with the companion Copycat Killer EP in November. Rateliff released his first solo album since 2013, And It’s Still Alright, last February, while Machine Gun Kelly’s latest LP, Tickets to My Downfall, came out in September.
Hello, 2021.
— Saturday Night Live – SNL (@nbcsnl) January 22, 2021