The Nowhere Inn, the mockumentary starring and co-written by St. Vincent and Carrie Brownstein, debuted at Sundance last year. The film, directed by Bill Benz, has now received its first teaser trailer and release date: it’ll be out September 17 in both theaters and on streaming services. Watch the trailer below.
St. Vincent, aka Annie Clark, talks directly to the camera in the trailer: “It was supposed to be a music documentary. Concert footage, interviews… I wanted people to know who I really am. One of the reasons why I wanted to make a documentary in the first place is because I would finally be in control of the narrative. A small part of me was starting to second guess itself. Why was the movie never completed? All I can say is that somewhere along the way things went terribly wrong.”
St. Vincent released her new album Daddy’s Home last Friday. Sleater-Kinney recently announced their next album, Path Of Wellness, which follows the St. Vincent-produced The Center Won’t Hold and will be out in June.