Watch Skullcrusher Cover The Shins’ ‘New Slang’

The Shins have shared a cover of their song ‘New Slang’ by Skullcrusher, the project of singer-songwriter Helen Ballentine. The band posted the video of Skullcrusher’s stripped-back rendition on Instagram to mark the 20th anniversary of their debut album, Oh, Inverted World. Check it out below.

The Shins are releasing a 20th anniversary reissue of Oh, Inverted World on June 11, which will include an inverted colour album cover, a booklet featuring vintage photos, handwritten lyrics, liner notes, and more. Skullcrusher issued her latest EP Storm in Summer back in April, and recently shared her take on Damien Jurado’s ‘Cloudy Shoes’.


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Konstantinos Pappis
Konstantinos Pappis
Konstantinos Pappis is a writer, journalist, and music editor at Our Culture. His work has also appeared in Pitchfork, GIGsoup, and other publications. He currently lives in Athens, Greece.

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