Barrie, the musical project of Barrie Lindsay, has shared a new song called ‘Frankie’. It’s set to appear on a forthcoming 7″ that’s out December 3 via Winspear, alongside last month’s single ‘Dig’. Check out its accompanying video, directed by Adinah Dancyger and featuring Barrie dancing with her wife, Gabby Smith, below.
“I knew from the start that I wanted the Frankie video to be a dance video,” Barrie said in a statement. “I imagined an intensive, rhythmic, aerobic video; halfway between a Tae Bo workout video and pop choreography. I have no dance experience whatsoever, and wanted to work really hard and put that effort-fulness front and center in the video. Gabby has similar experience with dancing, so it was very cool and organic to learn together. I’m very grateful she agreed to be part of the video. The producer, Abbie Jones; director, Adinah Dancyger; and choreographer, Matilda Sakamoto, were an incredible team to work with.”
Adinah Dancyger added: “‘Frankie’ was an opportunity to explore the emotional landscape we carry as people: the trials and errors, frustration, awkwardness, confidence, confusion, connection, joy, and so on and so forth. At the core, I wanted to give Barrie and Gabby the freedom to express themselves. Working with choreographer Matilda Sakomoto, we found a balance of what felt natural and where exploring new terrains brought about catharsis and spontaneity. It’s a celebration of moving through the motions, through motion.”