3 Types of Insurance to Consider When Starting an Independent Movie Business

If you enjoy films, TV shows and stories, then starting your own independent movie business could be an ideal venture for you. There are plenty of things that you can do with an independent movie business, whether it’s making movies for individuals or groups who’ve got a great story but lack the know-how and equipment to turn it into a film, or making your own films and selling them online or pitching them to Netflix. Or, you could even take a more business-centric route and provide video marketing and brand storytelling to companies. The opportunities are endless when you’ve got camera operating and editing skills, but before you get started, make sure you’ve got the right insurance to keep you covered if anything doesn’t go to plan.

Public Liability Insurance

First of all, you’ll need to ensure that you’re covered with public liability insurance. This is especially important if you are going to be filming in public places or enlisting other people to come and help you with your work. If you’re working as a video production contractor for businesses, you’ll need this insurance as a very basic requirement. No matter how careful you are, there’s always the risk of equipment falling over and hurting somebody or wires causing a trip hazard, and the last thing that you need is to end up in court with a personal injury claim that you can’t afford to pay out for.

Business Car Insurance

If you’re going to be using your car for running your business, even if it’s just transporting yourself, your actors and your equipment from set to set, you’re likely going to need insurance that covers you. This is not always covered on a general social and commuting policy, so make sure that you read the fine print and if in doubt, get in touch with your insurer to clear up the facts about what you need. If you provide your crew with cars for work, fleet insurance will be a necessity. You can compare quotes at Quotezone to find the best option for your business needs, just fill in a form here to get your quote.

Film Production Equipment Insurance

Filmmakers often have a lot of expensive equipment that they need to get the job done. From your video cameras to tripods, drones, gimbals, fly cams, lighting and sound equipment, none of it comes cheap if you want to ensure a quality finish for the films that you make either for yourself or your clients. And, if a key piece of equipment like your camera is damaged, it could be thousands of pounds to replace it which could spell huge trouble for your business, especially if you’re just starting out. You really don’t want to end up in a position where you need to postpone filming while you save up for a new camera. So, make sure that all your equipment is covered with a generous insurance policy that will provide a like-for-like replacement or the funds to have equipment repaired if needed.

Starting an independent movie business is a fun and exciting way to make a living, but don’t forget to make sure you’re protected with these essential insurance policies.


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