The Abandoned Motel by Ralph Graef

Ralph Graef, a German photographer, has presented a superb surreal-like series in which explores an abandoned motel.

Writing about the series Graef stated: “Just by chance I recently discovered an abandoned motel. According to its condition the area has been unused for many years, but the houses are still in a decent condition. For the most part they are all the same ground-level duplex houses with two rooms and a bathroom each. There are also two large houses with many single rooms and common washrooms. The complex was built in the early seventies during the GDR era as a holiday camp and training centre. After the reunification it served as an accommodation for harvest workers for a while. After that it was supposed to become a cheap accommodation for backpackers, but this never happened. It seems that the area won’t awake from a deep sleep soon…”

Find more work by Ralph Graef here.

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