Angie McMahon Shares New Version of ‘Soon’, Covers Bruce Springsteen’s ‘The River’

Angie McMahon has shared an alternate version of her song ‘Soon’ as well as a cover of Bruce Springsteen’s ‘The River’. Both singles are set to appear on McMahon’s upcoming EP Piano Salt and arrive with accompanying music videos, which you can watch below.

For the ‘Soon’ montage, McMahon compiled footage of her home during lockdown as well as clips from various locations across the U.S., taken when she supported Hozier on their North American tour last year. “We were travelling around America, my sound engineer Jono and I, following the Hozier bus and having our own adventures every day,” she wrote in the video’s description. “I’m so grateful he kept the go pro on for that month, and that the audiences were so warm, and that I have a safe and comfortable home to slow down in now. Thank you to our friend Lewis Parsons who edited all of this together so flawlessly.”

About her decision to cover ‘The River’, she said: “I love the way [Bruce Springsteen] can tell a story as a writer, and I grew up listening to his music. I was going to learn the harmonica for this one, but I ran out of time, so I turned his harmonica solo into a whistle one. Sorry Dad.”

McMahon talked more about the origins of both stripped-backed recordings for an Origins feature at Consequence of Sound. “Like lots of Bruce songs, this is a song about longing and dreaming, and about injustice or being trapped, but there is so much strength and dignity in the voices,” she said of ‘The River’.

Piano Salt comes out on October 2nd. McMahon released her debut studio album, Salt, in July of 2019.

Konstantinos Pappis
Konstantinos Pappis
Konstantinos Pappis is a writer, journalist, and music editor at Our Culture. His work has also appeared in Pitchfork, GIGsoup, and other publications. He currently lives in Athens, Greece.

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