Lido Pimienta has shared a series of social media updates about being attacked outside her home in Toronto over the weekend. The Colombian-Canadian artist tweeted Saturday about an encounter that day with a white woman who allegedly hit her with a shopping cart on the street in front of her children. “My face is all scratched my body all bruised,” Pimienta wrote. “I hit her too to defend myself.”
She continued, “It’s so messed up that I am shaking and hurting and bleeding but that’s not what’s worrying me right now, it’s the likelihood of the p*lice showing up at my door that is really really scary to me right now.” In an Instagram post the following day, Pimiento said “The p*lice never showed up, thankfully, which was my/our only concern,” adding, “My children and I are OK, at home, safe and healing. At this point I can only hope that the other person implicated thinks twice before they try to attack or target someone like me.”
Pimienta’s most recent album was 2020’s Miss Colombia. She recently shared a cover of Björk’s ‘Declare Independence’ as part of a Spotify Pride campaign.
My children just witnessed a white woman hitting me with a shopping cart at a cross walk…she insists on calling the police even though all the neighbours saw what happened…..I don’t know what to do… face is all scratched my body all bruised, I hit her too to defend myself
— Lido Pimienta (@LidoPimienta) June 26, 2021
I am so thankful to my neighbours for helping me and getting her off of me and forcing her to leave
I’m really short n out of shape but I managed to keep her off for some time but once she hit my head and scratched me in front of my kids I surrendered, I didn’t want them to see
— Lido Pimienta (@LidoPimienta) June 26, 2021
I really hope she doesn’t call the cops, she saw where I live, all the neighbours screamed at her…holy shit I’m so glad my neighbours saw everything and that my kids are ok
Should I get a COVID test?
— Lido Pimienta (@LidoPimienta) June 26, 2021
Just in case the cops do show up…and they confíscate my phone or whatever – leaving this here: (TW: violence and voices of scared kids)
— Lido Pimienta (@LidoPimienta) June 26, 2021
It’s so messed up that I am shaking and hurting and bleeding but that’s not what’s worrying me right now, it’s the likelihood of the p*lice showing up at my door that is really really scary to me right now-I am so afraid she will put charges on me and that they will side with her
— Lido Pimienta (@LidoPimienta) June 26, 2021
Hello friends, thank you for all the love and support, me and the kids are fine and healing. At this point all I can hope is the other person gets support too. To heal and maybe think twice before they go on attacking people. The c*ps never showed up. Thank you again 🙏🏽❤️
— Lido Pimienta (@LidoPimienta) June 27, 2021
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