Top 3 Fashion Habits That Are Not Sustainable

It is always important to try and follow as many sustainable fashion trends as possible. Well, realistically, they shouldn’t be ‘trends’, they should just be the normal way people approach fashion. Needless to say, the majority of people follow a few fashion habits that really aren’t sustainable in the slightest. Do you do this on purpose? No! It’s more a case of you not really thinking about the way you buy clothes because you’re used to going about things in a certain way. 

Nevertheless, you can still change your habits if you’re aware that they’re bad. Here are the top fashion habits that most certainly are not sustainable in the slightest:

Buying brand new clothes

Continuously buying brand new clothes is the least sustainable fashion choice you can make. For one, you should aim to reuse your existing clothes as much as you can before buying something new. Then, if you want to get something new to wear, consider one of the following options:

  • Buying second-hand items
  • Renting your clothes

There are loads of places where you can buy high-quality clothing that’s only been worn once or twice, and it is so sustainable to do this. Likewise, you can hire designer clothing to wear for an occasion, sending it back for someone else to hire after you. Again, this is incredibly sustainable as the same items are getting reused and you’re not giving in to fast fashion and buying loads of cheap clothes all the time. 

Throwing away old clothes

Chucking your old clothes away is terrible for the environment. They end up in landfills where they are burned, using up lots of energy and contributing to pollution. It’s such a waste to just throw things away, even if they’re a bit battered. 

Nowadays, there are countless ways you can make your old clothes more useful. You could try to repurpose them yourself, or you can simply donate them to people in need. Lots of charities offer clothes collections, and this is the easiest way to avoid generating fashion waste. 

Not checking how the clothes are made

What are your clothes made from, and how are they made? If your clothes are all mass-produced in a factory, the chances are they are the definition of unsustainable. They’re made from materials that aren’t sustainable, and the way they’re made will probably pollute the atmosphere. 

Most of us don’t stop to ask these questions, so we’re guilty of being more unsustainable than we intended. The solution is to shop around for more sustainable clothing that is made from better materials and follows better manufacturing processes. Plenty of brands are hopping aboard this trend, so you will have no shortage of sustainable clothing items to choose from. 

Don’t feel guilty for following these bad habits. It’s hard to understand what is sustainable until you’ve had the opposite pointed out. Now you know where you’re going wrong, it is easy for you to put it right. Focus on avoiding these fashion habits if you want to be more sustainable.


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