Hot Mulligan have announced a new album: Why Would I Watch will arrive on May 12 via Wax Bodega. Today, the Michigan band has dropped its lead single, ‘Shhhh! Golf Is On’. Check it out and find the LP’s cover art and tracklist below.
Why Would I Watch was produced by longtime collaborator Brett Romnes.“No one who’s depressed is crying all the time,” the band’s Tades Sanville said in a statement. “The media likes to portray deep depression as sadness, but most of the time it’s indifference. That works its way into alternative comedy and shitposting. The two cultures collide perfectly. The titles are the shitposts and the songs are what everyone in this position actually feels.”
“‘Shhh! Golf is on’ is about my mom,” Sanville explained. “I’m asking her to die. Every time I hear about her, she’s a worse person than before.”
Why Would I Watch Cover Artwork:
Why Would I Watch Tracklist:
1. Shouldn’t Have a Leg Hole But I Do
2. It’s a Family Movie She Hates Her Dad
3. And I Smoke
4. This Song is Called it’s Called What’s it Called
5. No Shoes in the Coffee Shop (Or Socks)
6. Christ Alive My Toe Dammit Hurts
7. Betty
8. Cock Party 2 (Better Than The First)
9. Shhhh! Golf is On
10. Gans Media Retro Games
11. Smahccked My Head Awf
12. John “The Rock” Cena, Can You Smell What the Undertaker