Odesza hints new music

    The Seattle based duo Odesza have found a unique way of teasing their fans about new music. Recently, the duo have created a new playlist named “. . . . _ / . . _ _ _ . . . . .”. It might seem like random characters however, upon further examination, it seems to be morse code for 4.25, which supposedly means April 25.

    The playlist is empty at this moment of time. However, it seems that new music will follow very soon. They have been teasing over the past 12 months about realising new music. Let’s hope new music will follow soon.


    Modestas Mankus
    Modestas Mankushttp://www.mankus.co.uk
    Modestas is the Editor-in-Chief at Our Culture Mag. He regularly delves into modern art, fashion, and photography. Modestas is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

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