Animated artworks by Yuri Shwedoff

Yuri Shwedoff a Russia-based artist creates vivid digital paintings.

Yuri’s work is very conceptual and cinematic. Based in a world of fantasy his characters give the viewer a lens to focus through and creates powerful storytelling element within his work which he expresses through the lens of realism. This time Yuri has brilliantly capitalized on the cinematic nature of his work and created a series of moving images. Consequently adding a whole new layer of three-dimensionality and atmosphere to his work.

Animated Artworks




Klaudijus Mankus
Klaudijus Mankus
Artist and Blogger I am intrigued by design and the aesthetics within art. I am on a journey of constant exploration and refinement. Currently obsessed with tigers and cornflowers.

Arts in one place.

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