Editorial Illustrations by Patrycja Podkościelny

    Patrycja Podkościelny, an illustrator based in Poland, creates effective editorial illustrations both beautiful and attention-grabbing.

    While one may enjoy looking at her work for its beauty the fact that there is an underlying message and meaning is very clear which makes these pieces more engaging and a great company to the text. Furthermore, Podkościelny is not afraid to use all the elements at her disposal, colour, composition, shape, line and texture so decisively within each illustration it is clear as day that each piece has been thought about and well planned out.





    Klaudijus Mankus
    Klaudijus Mankus
    Artist and Blogger I am intrigued by design and the aesthetics within art. I am on a journey of constant exploration and refinement. Currently obsessed with tigers and cornflowers.

    Arts in one place.

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