For the next two years, Fiona Apple has pledged to donate all of the proceeds from the use of her Fetch the Bolt Cutters tracks ‘Shameika’ and ‘Heavy Balloon’ in film and TV to charity. Royalties from ‘Shameika’ will be directed to the Harlem Children’s Zone, a non-profit that addresses poverty in Central Harlem by offering individualized support for children to get to and through college, while those from ‘Heavy Balloon’ will be donated to Seeding Sovereignty, an Indigenous womxn-led organization that advocates for racial equality in America.
In the case that neither tracks are featured in any films or TV shows in the next two years, Apple has pledged to donate $50,000 to each of the aforementioned charities.
News of Apple’s pledge first appeared on a Tumblr fan account called ‘Fiona Apple Rocks’, alongside a statement from Apple. A representative of Apple later confirmed the news via Pitchfork. Read the statement below.
Last year, Apple also donated royalties from film placements of her hit single ‘Criminal’ to the While They Wait fund.
Fetch the Bolt Cutters was released this April to widespread critical acclaimed. Read our review of the album here.