BTS have announced a new concert film titled Break the Silence: The Movie. Hitting theaters worldwide on September 10th via Trafalgar Releasing, it marks the K-pop group’s fourth concert film and will document their 2019 Love Yourself: Speak Yourself world tour through the United States, Europe, and Asia. Find more information here.
Following the world premiere, the film will make its way to US theaters starting September 24. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, dates are subject to local theater opening schedules. Tickets will be available on August 13th.
In addition to footage from the band’s first international stadium tour, the film also explores “each band member behind the curtain,” according to a press release.
Break the Silence will be the follow-up to 2019’s Bring the Soul: the Movie, which will return to theaters from August 28th-30th and will feature a preview of Break the Silence. Tickets for the re-run of their 2019 movie go on sale on August 18th.
BTS will perform during the 2020 MTV Video Music Awards on August 30th, where they will reportedly premiere a new single called ‘Dynamite’. They released their latest LP Map of the Soul: 7 in February, followed by a Japanese-language version in July.