In European cities, flowers on windows are not uncommon. Bright pelargoniums or begonias delight not only the owner, but also passers-by, and at the same time, they do not take away the useful area in the house. Good soil and properly selected plants are all that is needed to create a flower garden on a windowsill.
The indisputable advantage of flower boxes on the windows is their size: the capacity is enough for using gardening skills, but it is compact enough to fit in a modest area. It is a good idea to choose flowers that will bloom for several years and will not require peculiar attention. Check special offers on perennial plants on and choose several plants to arrange on your window.
Here are several tips to follow in order to successfully grow various plants:
Color spectrum
It is difficult to resist the desire to plant everything at once, but a harmonious composition will turn out only when using combined shades. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting something that looks like weeds. Red, yellow, orange, white, and bright pink flowers look best from a distance. Close up, petals of blue and purple tones, as well as rich greens, are more advantageous.
An obvious rule, which for some reason many overlook: in flower boxes on the windowsill, taller plants should be planted from the side of the window so that they do not obscure miniature specimens. Ampel flowers have the most place at the outer edge of the container.
By the way, it is generally better to be careful with tall plants: if the calculation turns out to be inaccurate, the flowers will interfere with the penetration of light into the room where it is required by house plants.
Many plants, including indoor ones, are suitable for growing in a box on an external windowsill. Annual flowers feel more than comfortable under such conditions. It is also a great place to grow herbs and even some vegetables on a modest scale.
If you have not yet decided on the plants, you can do it easier: put indoor flowers right with the pots in the box – it is possible that you will not have to invent anything else.
You may be surprised, but you can do without earth, using a mixture of ingredients that will promote good aeration of the roots and maintain optimal moisture. Regular fertilization will stimulate root growth and prolong the flowering period.
Try mixing peat, perlite, and other ingredients that will provide nourishment and moisture to your plants. Using a mixture of vermiculite and moss will not make the box unnecessarily heavy, and the top drain can be laid out of stones to prevent moisture from evaporating too quickly.
Choosing a pot for flowers on an external window sill is perhaps the easiest task, although the range of sizes and styles is quite large. Just follow your taste and environment.
Stick to these tips and don’t hesitate to experiment and your window will attract a lot of admiring glances.