Macie Stewart Shares New Song ‘Garter Snake’ Featuring Sen Morimoto

Chicago-based multi-instrumentalist Macie Stewart has unveiled ‘Garter Snake’, the second offering from her debut solo album, Mouth Full of GlassIt’s accompanied by a music video filmed in the western landscapes of Marfa, Texas with direction from Emily Esperanza. Check it out below. 

Stewart said of ‘Garter State’ in a statement:

This song came out of staring at the wall for an unprecedented amount of time. Garter snakes kept coming up in my life- I was going on a lot of outdoor hikes, and they kept appearing in images I was encountering. There are many negative connotations with snakes- but Garter Snakes are harmless at best. I was fascinated by their growth and shedding process and wanted that for myself. Sen Morimoto’s saxophone really tied together the entire vision- it feels like an aural representation of the snake motif that appears throughout the song.

Emily Esperanza had such a beautiful vision of tableaus for the video, and it was a pleasure to work with her. I hadn’t traveled anywhere in over a year- so going to Marfa to stay and work with her was so creatively fulfilling. I am really grateful to her and the beautiful crew I encountered down there for making it all happen.

Mouth Full Of Glass will be released on September 24 via Orindal Records. Stewart previously previewed the LP with ‘Finally’, which landed on our Best New Songs segment.

Konstantinos Pappis
Konstantinos Pappis
Konstantinos Pappis is a writer, journalist, and music editor at Our Culture. His work has also appeared in Pitchfork, GIGsoup, and other publications. He currently lives in Athens, Greece.

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