Since the beginning of video games, the gaming experience has been taken to the next level. However, downloading Gameboy Advance ROMs has never been simple. At the moment, Gameboy advance ROMS are legendary in almost every console. Hence for a great console created, then you can never miss outstanding ROMS to choose from for your gaming experience.
Finding games of your choice sometimes can be challenging when it comes to Gameboy Advance ROMS. Still, there exist exclusive ROMS such as Super Mario and Pokémon in any gaming library. Now that we have a clue about Gameboy Advance ROMS let’s look at the top 5 Gameboy Advance ROMS that you can download this season.
- Dragonball Z – Buu’s Fury
Well, if you are in for an excellent action pack video game, Dragonball Z is what you need to download. The game is a series of Buu’s that follows the Great Saiyaman event in a world tournament featuring Majin Buu, Babidi, and Kid Buu Sagas.
The entire video game is a copy of the movie Dragon Ball Z revolving around second coming Broly and Fusion Reborn Dragon Ball Z franchise. More so, each mission of the game is divided into episodes. The entire match contains 12 chapters which you can enjoy with your friends.
Dragon Ball Z (Buu’s Fury) comes with a source file of 1 GB. Currently, it is rated 4.4 out of 5 in the gaming library. If you want to enjoy most of the chapters, you need to know your character better. So, download, install and start enjoying.
- Legend Of Zelda, The – The Minish Cap
Next on the list is the famous Legend of Zelda (The Minish Cap). The game has been on the Gameboy Advance for a while now. The Minish Cap is the third franchise of the Zelda series, which is an action-adventure game with multiple chapters.
In this game, the main character is referred to as the legend of the four swords. The legend has a history of swinging a sword with a mastery of the art of swords. The name ‘legend of 4 swords’ originated from four adventures that the legend went through.
The legend has an exclusive outfit which he uses consistently throughout the adventures. The legend uses a round hat which is his signature. Additionally, the game has exclusive features installed, such as Goran’s, Kinston’s, and new game features are noticeable while playing the game.
The game has sophisticated users with over 2 million downloads and a rating of 4.7. If you are a new user of to legend of Zelda, then you may need to start from the first series and make your way to the new Minish Cap series. It is convenient and fun if you initiate the first series and get the idea of the game.
Don’t let anyone discourage you from trying the third series of the legend of Zelda (The Minish Cap). Just follow your heart and don’t hesitate from choosing to enjoy the adventures of Zelda. It is an excellent game full of action and adventure.
The Minish Cap comes with a source file of 1.2 GB in all kinds of formats depending on the system you wish to game on.
Final Verdict
In conclusion, Gameboy Advance comes with multiple ROMS, which need no installation while others require console simulation. However, none of these can stop you from enjoying the different ROMS offered by Gameboy Advance. You can play your favorite games online at no cost. More so, download and installation take no time. You can also try other ROMS like Classic NES – Super Mario Bros, Kirby (Nightmare In Dreamland), and Pokémon Jupiter – 6.04 (Ruby Hack)
However, if you are a new user of Gameboy Advance, then some ROMS can be devastating. Nonetheless, just like a new car, you will know how to install and play Gameboy Advance ROMS with time.
So, whichever reasons hold you back from trying the Gameboy advance ROMS, let go of them. The ROMS are excellent and a free getaway from stress. Be sure to try all genres of ROM games.