Dancing classes: what are the benefits of modern choreography for students

We live in an age of abundance in everything. And in dancing as well! Schools and studios offer such a wide range of all kinds of directions that the eyes, and maybe the legs, run in different directions. Sometimes it might be challenging to find some time for activities like dancing due to a busy study schedule. However, with proper time management, everything is possible. As a student I was dancing about three times a week, I also decided to pay someone to write my paper to spare some time. There are many classical genres that have been created centuries ago. Today we will talk about modern choreography.

Some genre names will be completely unfamiliar to many students. Not everyone knows what Vogue or Jazz-modern is. In this article, we will look at the three most popular and fashionable styles of modern choreography. And you can choose what is more suitable for you.


A gogo – translated from the French “in excess”. This expression was part of the name of one of the dance cafes in Paris. Now, this is the name of the whole dancing genre, which is taught in almost all schools of modern choreography.

This style originated back in the 60s when American beauties took the fashion to dance a twist on tables. A little later, in one of the popular clubs, they came up with the idea of hanging special cages from the ceiling, where, in fact, the action took place. Girls in short skirts gave out aerobatics of club dances, which attracted a large number of male visitors.

In eastern Europe, this style appeared only in the 90s. Everything Western was in fashion, and dancing was no exception. As you can see, today the style has not lost its popularity.

How are Go-go workouts held?

It cannot be said that there was any special school here. There is no specific set of movements characteristic of this dance. The dance teachers, first of all, teach the following:

  • feel the music;
  • move plastically in rhythm;
  • improvise on the go.

It would seem that this is not difficult at all. Why take a class? If you are a bright, energetic girl, plastic, without internal clamps – maybe there is no need. After all, you are already the star of the dance floor. But if you want to get rid of complexes and relax a little, the lessons will be very useful.

Advantages of Go-go

  • A huge advantage is that you do not need any source data, in addition to the desire to dance from the heart.

That’s what this hobby gives:

  • rest from stressful study and work;
  • disclosure of artistic talent;
  • overcoming complexes;
  • improving self-esteem;
  • now you will definitely be the star of student discos.


Which of the girls did not carry in their hearts the desire to proudly walk down the catwalk in a chic couture outfit. Probably, everyone dreamed of something like this as a child. You may not be a model, but it’s worth trying yourself in podium dancing.

These very strange gestures are fascinating. Intricate brush strokes are similar to magical passes. But… just sleight of hand and no magic!

The style originated in an American prison. The prisoners had fun copying the poses and gait of the models. Oddly enough, the usual antics grew into a whole dance art, which began to spread actively.

The second wave of Vogue’s popularity rolled in the 90s after the famous Madonna video of the same name.

What do they do in Vogue classes?

By the way, not only girls can learn it but also guys. In the lessons you will be able to:

  • master a beautiful model walk;
  • develop plastic hands;
  • learn the technique of spectacular falls;
  • be confident enough to show pathos, outrage.

What are the disadvantages of Vogue dancing?

Some movements are traumatic! Therefore, to benefit, and not harm, it is better not to rush all in without prior preparation. Complex tricks can only be performed by former gymnasts, ballet dancers, and those who did a little dancing in childhood. If the world of choreography has been unknown to you until now, start with a simple one.

And the benefit is this:

  • improved coordination of movements;
  • memory training (try to remember so many quick movements at once);
  • the opportunity to feel like a real model.

According to Vogue, dance battles are held, in which unusual, enthusiastic people always participate. Attending such contests will not only be interesting but also useful to every student, if not as a participant, then at least as a spectator.

Modern Jazz

Its homeland is the USA. The dance appeared in the 40s as a spectacular combination of ballet, Art Nouveau, ethnic choreography, and jazz technique. The main idea of the Jazz-modern direction is freedom. Through flying and falling backward, human nature is reflected: half heavenly, half earthly.

It is quite difficult to master Jazz-modern without prior preparation. You need strong enough, formed back muscles and stretching. Without such a set, most of the tricks will be unavailable, but it’s worth a try. What if you weren’t aware of your talents?

What do they teach in Jazz-modern lessons?

Since the style is a mix of different genres, the specifics of classes involve learning a little bit of everything. Here’s what you will master:

  • classic hand and foot positions;
  • rotations;
  • correct slopes;
  • jazz technique of performance.

The lesson always begins with a warm-up, followed by flexibility and stretching exercises. So be prepared to be patient and show high performance.

What is the use of Jazz Modern?

It’s very beautiful: ballet plastic, complemented by elements of modern choreography, enhanced by vivid emotions.

There are also many additional advantages:

  • formation of a muscular corset;
  • development of flexibility and stretching;
  • increase endurance;
  • development of emotionality and artistry;

If studying involves endless cramming, you just need to find something to counterbalance. Jazz-modern will help any student to take a break from books and feel like a free bird.


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