Here is How Gaming Can Entertain You If You Regularly Use Public Transport

Suppose you have to travel regularly as part of your occupation or lifestyle choice. In that case, you will understand the pain you experience on a boring journey, staring aimlessly out of the window or trying to distract yourself from the irritating behavior of your fellow passengers on public transport.

Indeed, the amount of time wasted commuting to work or while traveling can add up to a scary number of hours. You only have a short amount of time during the course of your life, so there is no point wasting a significant chunk of it doing nothing.

Instead, it is a good idea to find a compelling distraction- this is where gaming comes in.

Gaming has become huge over the last decade, allowing you to experience the thrill of a virtual world via your laptop or smartphone. As a result, you can use the time wasted on public transport to play online games, which can provide endless entertainment.

This is how gaming can entertain you if you regularly use public transport:

You could try online poker

One of the most compelling types of game you can use to entertain yourself on public transport is online poker.

This is because you can experience the excitement of poker without having to find a casino or invest serious amounts of money.

Instead, you can find legaluspokersites that allow you to play poker while commuting on public transport.

There are countless different games you can play on your phone

The beauty of gaming in 2021 is that many popular titles are available to play on your smartphone. This makes it incredibly easy to pick up whenever you have a free moment during your weekly commute, or while travelling to a new country.

This option is ideal if you want to remain discreet while gaming. Perhaps you only want to play casually, or avoid attracting attention to yourself from other passengers.

Similarly, you may not have enough time or space to bring a more immersive gaming setup. This is especially true if you use a crowded metro system which might not even allow you to find a seat during rush hour.

While away wasted hours gaming on your laptop

However, if you are planning on making longer journeys, it may be best to bring your laptop. Not only will you have better access to your work documents and streaming services, but you will also be able to immerse yourself in more serious gaming titles.

While smartphone games are ideal if you want a quick distraction, laptop-based games are perfect if you have a few hours to kill and you have a table handy.

These games can be incredibly nuanced, requiring a great level of participation and concentration on your part. The reward is that you can take your mind out of your immediate surroundings and lose yourself in the virtual world.

Playing games can keep you in contact with distant friends

It may be that you are traveling countries alone – whether for work or for pleasure. Whatever the reason, long journeys can be lonely when you are on your own.

An underappreciated advantage of online gaming is that it allows you to keep in contact with your friends through the medium of multiplayer modes.

You can catch up on old times by playing together, find out what they are up to, and experience the same team spirit as you might find playing ‘traditional’ sports like soccer.


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