Spearfishing Tips: 5 Tricks and Tips to Hooking More Fish in 2022 & Beyond

Spearfishing can be good outdoor sports fun, but you need the right equipment. If you’re starting, use the right tackle for the job. Having the wrong gear on hand can make all the difference underwater. Spearfishing is an advanced skill but there are ways to get better at it with more practice and experience.

The goal of any angler is to land most fish. That doesn’t come easy, though. It takes patience, skill, and spearfishing technique. So we’ve written this article (with all the fundamentals) as a beginner’s guide to getting started. By following our guidelines, you’ll soon be landing the biggest fish you ever thought possible.

So, without further ado, here are the top diving technique and fishing tips for beginners.

Right gear

Make sure you have the proper spearfishing gear for spearfishing. This includes a spear gun, pole spears, weight belt, float line, dive knife, Neptonics wetsuits, fins, and snorkel. It is important to note that all gear is not created equal. To get the most out of your surface diving and spearfishing adventure, purchase quality gear from your local dive shop. Most importantly, make sure your gear fits. Don’t buy a shallow water wetsuit that is too big or too small; same with fins and spear guns.

Location, Location, Location

Do your research to find the best beginner spots to hunt fish. This may mean venturing away from your local dive spots to new areas, but it will be worth risking when you’re reeling in the big catch.

How deep should I dive?

Your mid-water level depth is up to you, but spearfishing is usually reserved for depths between 10 and 20 feet. You can go deeper if you’re more experienced, but remember that it becomes increasingly harder to aim while holding your single breath at those depths. On the other hand, stay within your comfort zone: finding fish on shallow reefs is much easier than deep-water hunting.

Have some company

When spearfishing, safety is paramount. There’s no shame in bringing dive buddies along since it’s just good scuba diving practice. Besides, someone else can help carry your pole spear and take photos while you’re hunting fish.

Get your fins wet to avoid fish spotters.

Fish spotters are those people who scan the blue water’s surface, looking for fish while sitting on the shore or on a boat. They’re not bad people. However, they do tend to ruin the spearfishing experience for many people because they can steal your first dive and hunt by reporting your position to other anglers. Unsurprisingly, some experienced divers with the right tools spend most of their day on the water doing the same thing.

Climate/Season and Visibility

Water temperature can vary widely depending on the time of year and proximity to stormy weather. Water that is too cold can be depressive to fish, while warm water is more inviting. Visibility is another important factor to consider when spearfishing. Ideal visibility means balancing light and dark, with just enough light to see what you are doing. Having ultra-clear water allows your prey more opportunities to see you coming and hide before it’s too late.

To keep the adrenaline pumping, it’s important to be aware of your first spearfishing surroundings. Keep an eye out for floating objects, both natural and man-made. Natural objects such as mats, old logs, or coral heads can be great places to spot fish as they’re usually covered with algae, barnacles, sponges, and all sorts of marine life. Don’t be afraid to open your eyes in dirtier water and check out what’s floating around you. Aiming for these structures will give you more spear targets to look at when searching for both small fish and big fish. Finally, don’t fear the reef; it’s a fisherman’s perfect shot for sharks.

Stay relaxed

Like any sport, the better you stay cool, the better you will be at spearfishing. This is especially true for beginners. For more spearfishing tips, spearfishing equipment, and advanced spearfishing techniques, check out Neptonics website.


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