Frank Ocean has shared two new episodes of his blonded RADIO Apple Music 1 show. The episodes arrived on Sunday (July 10) in celebration of the 10th anniversary of his album Channel Orange. The artist has also dropped a new Channel Orange-themed double-sided poster and four new black and white T-shirts. You can listen to Episode 012 and Episode 013 here.
The first episode, called ‘blonded LSD’, hears Ocean interviewing Dr. James Fadiman about microdosing psychedelics, and it features what a press release describes as “a thirty-five minute original score produced by Frank Ocean.” The second episode is titled ‘blonded ENERGY!’, and it’s a discussion with Master Mingtong Gu about “self-realisation and the ancient practice of Qi Gong.”
The previous episode of blonded RADIO aired in Christmas of last year and included a conversation with Dutch motivational speaker Wim “Iceman” Hof.