Margo Price has shared a new single, ‘Been to the Mountain’, alongside an accompanying music video. Check out the Courtney Hoffman-directed clip below.
“‘Been To The Mountain’ is part one of an introspective trip into our subconscious. It is the perfect continuation of my search for freedom in my art and freedom in the modern age,” Price said in a statement. “I have a lot of high hopes for this next chapter and truly believe this is the most exciting music I’ve ever made in the studio with my band. We have all grown so much, we operate like one single organism – it’s telepathic.”
She added: “Courtney Hoffman brought my wild visions to life with the help of an incredible cast and crew in the music video. I wanted the story’s hypothetical 8 to 12 hour window to feel like a mini-lifetime. We also wanted to portray how an intense psychedelic experience has the potential to become a spiritual experience, and how that can change your perception of the world around you.”
Today, Price has also launched a new season of her Sonos Radio show Runaway Horses, which features interviews with Emmylou Harris (the subject of the debut episode), Bob Weir, Swamp Dogg, Lucius, Amythyst Kiah, and Bettye LaVette. “The thing about runaway horses is that you can really never truly break them,” Price explained. “They are incredibly unpredictable. I hope that the conversations on this show help you feel a sense of freedom, too.”