Clara Mann has announced her new EP Stay Open with the new single ‘Go Steady’. Check it out below.
“’Go Steady’ is about letting go of the past, and standing on your own two feet, firmly in the present,” Mann explained in a press release. “It’s also a thank-you song to everyone who’s shown me love, and kept an arm around me when I’ve needed it.” She continued:
I used to be scared of letting go of things- of people, of stories from other times in my life- because I thought it meant leaving parts of myself behind, too, but I’ve recently realised that I’m happiest when I’m just being present in the Now. The marks those times left on me remain, but I don’t have to carry the whole of my story with me all the time, it’s heavy and it slows me down.
After some very strange, dark times, Go Steady is a break in the clouds, and the closing of a chapter.
Stay Open, the follow-up to last year’s Consolations EP, arrives November 1 via 7476. It includes the previously released single ‘Thread’.