Taylor Swift Shares New Video for ‘Lavender Haze’

    Taylor Swift has shared the latest visual for from her 2022 album Midnights. Swift wrote and directed the dreamlike, purple-hued video, which features Laith Ashley De La Cruz, a transgender activist and actor, as Swift’s love interest. Watch it below.

    On Twitter, Swift wrote: “The Lavender Haze video is out now. There is lots of lavender. There is lots of haze,” Swift tweeted after the visual was released. There is my incredible costar @laith_ashley who I absolutely adored working with. This was the first video I wrote out of the 3 that have been released, and this one really helped me conceptualize the world and mood of Midnights, like a sultry sleepless 70’s fever dream. Hope you like it.”

    Swift previously shared self-directed videos for the Midnights tracks ‘Anti-Hero’ and ‘Bejeweled’.

    Konstantinos Pappis
    Konstantinos Pappis
    Konstantinos Pappis is a writer, journalist, and music editor at Our Culture. His work has also appeared in Pitchfork, GIGsoup, and other publications. He currently lives in Athens, Greece.

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