LIES, the project of American Football members and cousins Mike Kinsella and Nate Kinsella, have announced their debut album. The self-titled LP will be released on March 31 via Polyvinyl. Check out a video for the new single ‘Resurrection’ along with the album artwork and tracklist below.
“I’m not used to putting any gold-linings or much of any positive spin into my songs (there’s already enough of that garbage existing in the world), but writing about conquering whatever shame and guilt I have for whatever wants and desires I have, felt cathartic / almost therapeutic for me,” Mike Kinsella said in a statement. “The process of writing it and expressing the value in actually believing it has helped me feel more confident and assured with who I am and what I want (dare I say, ‘need’…).”
“‘Resurrection’ is a celebration song about reawakening a part of the self that has been hidden away in hibernation,” Nate Kinsella added. “We used mirrors and some camera angle trickery to superimpose our heads onto the bodies of a couple of professional dancers, whose movements illustrate a kind of unselfconscious joy and freedom – feelings that maybe we have a hard time accessing, or tapping into. I hope the video transmits the sense of fun and liberation that we envisioned (and experienced!) when making it.”
LIES have already shared a series of singles that will appear on the LP, including ‘Camera Chimera’, ‘Summer Somewhere’, ‘Corbeau’, ‘Blemishes’, and ‘Echoes’.
Lies Cover Artwork:
Lies Tracklist:
1. Blemishes
2. Echoes
3. Corbeau
4. Resurrection
5. Broken
6. Camera Chimera
7. Summer Somewhere
8. No Shame
9. Rouge Vermouth
10. Knife
11. Sympathetic Eyes
12. Merely