Ensure these things before your child goes for a swim

    If you have little kids, you, of course, know about their love for swimming. Not only is swimming a great way to keep your babies healthy, but they also serve as a fun pastime.

    However, swimming-related accidents are pretty common in pools, especially when it comes to the safety of children.

    In fact, it has been observed that children aged between 1-4 die due to drowning more than any other reason. So, as a concerned parent, what are some of the steps that you need to take to ensure your children’s safety? Let this article tell you all about it.

    1. Be around them when they are swimming

    No matter how old your child is, you should always stay close to the pool so that you can monitor their swimming.

    Even if the swimming instructor is there in the pool with your kids, they might not be able to give all their attention to your child since they’ll have more than one kid to handle.

    So, you need to be on the lookout in case you see your little one struggling. The moment you see that your child might be in danger, you should alert their instructor or call out for help.

    1. Make them wear proper gear

    Just like with any other outdoor activity, it’s essential for your kids to wear proper swimming gear.

    You can either buy swimwear online or go to a store and choose for your kids. Proper swimming gear includes a flexible swimsuit, a swimming cap, good-quality goggles, and earplugs.

    For the swimsuit, make sure that the fabric is water-resistant and stretchable. In addition, the goggles should be specialized swimming ones to prevent chlorine water from entering your kid’s eyes.

    1. Tend to bruises properly

    Another important point to note is to ensure there are no open wounds or cuts on your child’s body.

    Not only will the chlorine in the swimming water infect the wound, but the water will also get infected with the bacteria in the wound.

    If your child has serious cuts, ask them not to swim in pools or lakes until it has completely healed. If the wound is mild, treat it with antibacterial ointment and cover it with a band-aid before letting your child swim.

    1. Don’t let them dive in shallow waters

    Did you know that spinal injuries are very common when children swim in pools or other water bodies? This is because many of them are afraid of diving into the pool’s deep end, so they try to dive into the shallow end.

    However, their spines can get severely damaged this way and can lead to devastating injuries. So always make sure that your child never jumps into the shallow portion of any swimming pool, lake, or pond.

    Check the pool markings clearly, and then let them dive into an appropriate depth.

    1. Carry a first-aid kit with you

    No matter where your child goes swimming, whether at the beach or swimming classes, make sure you carry a small first-aid kit with you.

    Although most swimming pool services will have their own safety kits, you should always be extra careful and pack one of your own.

    Ideally, it should have a couple of band-aids, an iodine solution, an ointment, and other necessary items. In case your child is injured, you should be able to provide at least a little bit of relief to them before it’s too late.

    1. Give them water and fluids

    Most parents feel that their children won’t need fluids since swimming is a water-based activity. However, this is a big misconception.

    Whether you’ve taken your little ones swimming in the water park or somewhere else, it’s necessary to give them plenty of water and other fluids from time to time.

    Even if they’re swimming in the water, their body is working hard, and they are sweating it out. So make sure you pack enough water bottles and energy drinks.

    Over to you…

    These are some of the basic safety tips that you need to make sure of before your children run into the water. If you keep these pointers in mind, you can be sure that your little ones won’t ever get into any trouble!

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