Snõõper Share Video for New Song ‘Powerball’

Nashville-based punk outfit Snõõper have previewed their upcoming debut album Super Snõõper with a new single, ‘Powerball’. It arrives with an accompanying video directed by vocalist Blair Tramel and featuring puppeteering by Grace Hall. Check it out below.

“‘Powerball’ was written after a scratch-off winning streak,” Tramel explained in a statement. “My mom called me to let us know that the Powerball jackpot was the highest it had been in years and we bought tickets. It’s a funny thing to feel like you are going to win something so arbitrary – to feel like you are going to be the one in a billion winner. When our numbers were not announced, we decided to buy some scratch-offs and, to my surprise, I won $50 on a $2 scratch off. I kept buying scratch-offs from different gas stations around town and kept winning. It was a comical sort of high I hadn’t felt before and even when I started losing money I wanted to keep going.”

Super Snõõper drops on July 14 via Jack White’s label Third Man Records.

Konstantinos Pappis
Konstantinos Pappis
Konstantinos Pappis is a writer, journalist, and music editor at Our Culture. His work has also appeared in Pitchfork, GIGsoup, and other publications. He currently lives in Athens, Greece.

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