Have a Nice Life Cover Low’s ‘When I Go Deaf’

Connecticut duo Have a Nice Life have shared their cover of Low’s ‘When I Go Deaf’, which appears on the Flenser‘s upcoming tribute album to the band, Your Voice Is Not Enough. Check it out below.

‘When I Go Deaf’ is taken from Low’s 2005 album The Great Destroyer. “I joined an America Online mixtape exchange as a teenager when my mom first got us internet,” Have a Nice Life’s Tim Macuga commented in a statement. ‘The older gentleman I was paired with sent a tape I still have with mostly tunes by Low, Swans, and Godspeed. I sent him 40 youth crew hardcore tracks and I think he bummed.”

Your Voice Is Not Enough, which is due later this year, has so far been previewed by Planning for Burial’s take on ‘Murderer’, Allison Lorenzen’s cover of ‘Words’, and Drowse and Lula Asplund’s rendition of ‘Hey Chicago’.

Konstantinos Pappis
Konstantinos Pappis
Konstantinos Pappis is a writer, journalist, and music editor at Our Culture. His work has also appeared in Pitchfork, GIGsoup, and other publications. He currently lives in Athens, Greece.

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