Ten Tonnes, real name Ethan Barnett, delivers quality every time he puts out a release.
With his latest EP Born To Lose released Ten Tonnes joined us for an interview to talk about him and his promising career.
Hi, how are you?
Good thanks.
So, when did you decide to become a musician?
About 2 years ago.
How did you come up with the name Ten Tonnes?
I came up with it in the pub actually. It still sounded good after a couple pints so I stuck with it.
What is your source of inspiration when making music?
Everything and anything really. I keep notes in my phone whenever something comes to me.
Outside music do you have a hobby that you like to escape to?
I’m a massive film fan, I did film studies at school so I like pretending I know what I’m on about. I’m also growing chillis at the moment, I’m big on my cooking
If you could collaborate with any artist ever dead or alive who would it be and why?
Nancy Sinatra, I’d like to do a duet someday
If you could give any advice for any aspiring musicians out there what would it be?
Gig as much as you can, open mic nights are great
What is your definition of culture?
Do you have a favourite piece of music you have made?
There are a lot of tunes yet to be released that I’m super proud of. Out of the released ones, my favourite is Born To Lose at the minute.
To find out more about Ten Tonnes follow him here on Facebook.