Choosing The Right Frame For Your Face

Here is a guide to help you choose the right frame for yourself or your man and some recommendations of frames to try out!

Getting the right frame for your face shape can be difficult if you don’t know the basic guide. Some frames help complement different face shapes, they can be applied to both sunglasses or glasses. If you wanted to go for an extravagant frame shape then i would leave that for the sunglasses.

Square Shape

A squared shaped face is a defined face. You have definition from the forehead to the cheeks to the jawline. The best frame to get is something with curves, you have enough structure and definition to the face therefore something angular may seem too much. Having curved frames helps to flaunt those strong features. The best frames to look into would be oval, round and pilot. Ralph Lauren glasses can be found here.

Oval Shape

An Oval shaped face is a well balanced face. The chin is slightly narrower than the forehead. Since the face is well balanced any frame would suit you, it is just the case of experimenting and trying on which frame you prefer. Just ideas of frames to look into are oval, rectangle , wayfarer or even round.

Heart Shape

A heart shaped face usually has a broad forehead with the jawline and chin being narrow creating an illusion of a heart shape. The best frames to look out for is something that elongates the face giving a balanced look to the face. Some frames to look into are semi-rimless, round, pilot and rimless.

Round Shape

A round shaped face is when the length and width of the face is usually similar. The best frames to look our for are angular and geometric frames. Geometric frames doesn’t mean it will be something crazy so don’t worry. These frames help elongate the face but also create illusions of contours to the face. Here are some ideas of frames you may want to look into oval, rectangle and wayfarer.

Ayana Torio
Ayana Torio
Fashion Blogger & Designer.

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