The Lockdown Series by Tom Hegen

    Tom Hegen, a well-respected photographer based out of Munich, Germany, has exhibited his new series The Lockdown Series. In this latest selection of images, Hegen explores the world of aeroplanes during the crisis of COVID-19. Hegen is known for taking photos from an aerial point of view, and once again we are presented with an eye-pleasing series that does just that.

    Writing about The Lockdown Series, Hegen stated: “Due to the current global situation, I decided to do a photo project about airports during corona. I was in search of a symbolic image that represents the corona crises, and I found it in grounded aeroplanes that to me, represent the lockdown around the world. The aviation industry, which is one of the key factors for globalization, helped to connect the world…”

    Find more work by Tom Hegen here.


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