16 Hilarious Quotes from Booksmart (2019)

Olivia Wilde’s Booksmart has become something of a cult classic since its 2019 release. The teen comedy follows best friends Amy (Kaitlyn Dever) and Molly (Beanie Feldstein) on the eve of their high school graduation when they realize that they’ve never been to a party. They have excelled in their academic studies but, as Molly points out, nobody knows that they’re also fun. Amy is skeptical but joins Molly on a quest to attend at least one party before graduating. The night takes them on a series of unexpected adventures, some of which highlight flaws in their friendship and individual characteristics.

The original screenplay by Emily Halpern and Sarah Haskins was completed in 2009, but by the time the film finally went into production, almost ten years had passed. Screenwriter Katie Silberman was hired to update the script for 2019 audiences. The result is a hilarious, well-paced story about two overachievers who don’t just want boyfriends, but want the same high school experience as their classmates who partied and also managed to land spots at Ivy League schools. Here are sixteen of the best quotes from Booksmart.

  1. Ryan: Sharp elbows.
    Amy: Not as sharp as your…chin.
  2. Alan: Mark thy calendars and make thy plans to attend the drama department’s summer program, Shakespeare in the Park…ing lot.
  3. Molly: You guys don’t even care about school!
    Triple-A: No, we just don’t only care about school.
  4. Molly: We didn’t party because we wanted to focus on school and get into good colleges.
    Amy: And it worked.
    Molly: But the irresponsible people who partied also got into those colleges – they did both
    Amy: So?
  5. Molly: We have to go to a party tonight.
    Amy: What?
    Molly: Let’s go to Nick’s party.
    Amy: No. Are you kidding? No. No way.
    Molly: Amy, we only have one night left to have studied and partied in high school. Otherwise, we’re just going to be the girls that missed out.
  6. Molly: We haven’t broken any rules!
    Amy: Okay, we’ve broken a lot of rules. One, we have fake IDs.
    Molly: Fake college IDs, so we can get into their twenty-four-hour library.
    Amy: Name one person whose life was so much better because they broke a couple of rules.
    Molly: Picasso.
    Amy: He broke art rules. Name a person who broke a real one.
    Molly: Rosa Parks.
    Amy: Name another.
    Molly: Susan B. Anthony.
    Amy: Goddammit!
  7. Molly: Nobody knows that we are fun.
    Amy: We know.
    Molly: They need to know.
    Amy: Who’s they?
  8. Molly: I think it’s healthy for a relationship to have secrets, and now we have one! Do I have a secret for you? Okay, yes. I once tried to masturbate with an electric toothbrush but I got a horrible UTI. Horrible. Like, horrible.
    Amy: I wish that had been a secret, but you’ve mentioned it many, many times.
  9. Molly: Who allowed you to be this beautiful?
    Amy: Who allowed you to be this beautiful?
    Molly: Who allowed you to take my breath away?
  10. Amy: I’ve never lied to my parents before. You know when I lie, I just add too many details. Just make up a story, but don’t say we’re having a date night or anything.
    Molly: Why? It’s funny your parents think we’re boning.
    Amy: No, it’s not, because you’re not the one who has to deal with their creepy smiles when I tell them I’m meeting you at the library when I’m actually meeting you at the library.
  11. Molly: You know, they say you never forget your first…
    Amy: Friend.
    Special friend.
    Normal friend.
  12. Amy: We’ll probably just do a Korean facemask.
    Charmaine: I don’t need to know all the words.
  13. Jared: Ladies, we are headed to the biggest, coolest grad night party in town. Can I get a what-what?
  14. Jared: …I brought you to the best party – which is my party! Prepare to get bashed! Not in, like, a violent way. Completely consensual bashing. I don’t know if that was clear. Prepare to get consensually bashed…
  15. Principal Brown: I’m thinking about doing a detective novel…A lady detective, how about that? And she’s pregnant. Still working. And, you know, the baby, whenever she’s like close to a clue…the baby kicks…I don’t know what to do once, you know, when she gives birth.
  16. Amy: Shotgun! Just kidding. I don’t have one.

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