Maria BC has unveiled a new track from their upcoming debut album, Hyaline. It’s called ‘Good Before’, and it follows lead single ‘The Only Thing’. Give it a listen below.
“I wrote ‘Good Before’ in 2019, before any of the other songs on Hyaline — and before any of the songs on Devil’s Rain, for that matter,” Maria BC explained in a statement. “I put it away for a while because I thought it was too pop-y, but eventually I got over that. Now it holds a special place in my heart. Some of the lyrics came to me on the highway, when the sun was starting to rise, and I was running on no sleep, just Dunkin’. It’s unusual for lyrics to come to me ~in the wild~ like this. I like to block out time to sit in a spot and write. That’s just my style. When inspiration comes to me out of nowhere, I’m immensely grateful.”
Hyaline is set to arrive on May 27 via Father/Daughter (US) and Fear of Missing Out Records (UK).