pinkpirate has announced their new EP, i don’t want to grow up boring, with a video for the new single ‘Daisy’. Check out the track, which was co-produced alongside Bullion, below.
“I started writing ‘Daisy’ when my girlfriend joked about me writing a song for her within the first few weeks of our relationship,” Caitlin Brown explained in a statement. “I wanted to try and capture the innocence of a brand new relationship, especially within a WLW relationship that is often seen in a sexualised or demonised way. Although it is partly a song for my partner, it’s also a song to help talk about WLW relationships in general. I really wanted to talk about small things that are relatable to everyone to try and highlight how queer relationships involve the same things as any other relationship. I began writing with the chorus and it was inspired by some more R&B/jazz music that I was listening to a lot of at the time, including H.E.R and Raveena.”
Of the video, Brown added: “We spent a day filming in Brighton, which is where my partner lives. The song is basically talking about being there together so it felt like it was only right to be shot there” says Caitliin, “It was also really nice to film in a place that is really LGBTQ+ friendly, with some of my favourite people, I think it all ties in really nicely with the song.”
i don’t want to grow up boring EP will be out in September via [PIAS] Recordings. It includes the previously unveiled single ‘Do You Want It All?’.