Julia Jacklin Covers Roland Howard’s ‘Shivers’

Julia Jacklin has shared a cover of Roland S. Howard’s ‘Shivers’, a song first released by Nick Cave’s band Boys Next Door in 1979. Give it a listen below.

The rendition of ‘Shivers’ is Jacklin’s contribution to a new compilation honouring Australian producer Tony Cohen, who recorded the original version of the track as well as records by the Birthday Party, the Go-Betweens, Hunters & Collectors, and Nick Cave. RVG, Leah Senior, and Grace Cummings also contributed to the collection, which accompanies a book about Cohen’s life titled Half Deaf, Completely Mad, written by John Olson.

“It’s been covered a lot, but it’s a special one for me,” Jacklin said in a statement. “It was one of the first songs I ever learnt to play. Many Sydney bars, venues and open mic nights have heard me sing this song. Howard wrote it at 16 and I’ve always loved how much the lyrics capture that type of unbridled, dramatic teenage infatuation. The kind that physically hurts but also makes you laugh at yourself.”

Jacklin released her latest album, PRE PLEASURE, last year.

Konstantinos Pappis
Konstantinos Pappis
Konstantinos Pappis is a writer, journalist, and music editor at Our Culture. His work has also appeared in Pitchfork, GIGsoup, and other publications. He currently lives in Athens, Greece.

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