If you witness a car accident in New Jersey, your first instinct might be to stop and help, especially if the accident occurs on a busy highway like the New Jersey Turnpike or Garden State Parkway. While this is a kind and responsible action, there are certain situations where you are not legally required to assist anyone involved in the accident.
In New Jersey, the law does not always require individuals to assist others in the event of an accident. There are specific circumstances where such action may not be necessary or advised, particularly in cities like Newark, Jersey City, or Atlantic City.
This article will discuss situations in which you are not legally obligated to help individuals involved in an accident in NJ and suggest alternative courses of action.
Understanding New Jersey’s Good Samaritan Law
New Jersey’s laws regarding the duty to assist in an accident are minute and situational, particularly on the state’s busy highways like the Garden State Parkway or Route 1. A 2021 survey by the Red Cross found that nearly 90% of New Jersey residents believe bystanders have a moral obligation to help at accident scenes, but only 62% felt confident understanding the state’s Good Samaritan Law. This highlights the importance of clear information about these laws.
New Jersey’s Good Samaritan law (N.J.S.A. 2A:62A-1) shields individuals from civil liability when they offer reasonable help during an emergency. You need not intervene at an accident scene if you are untrained or if it endangers you.
As stated by the New Jersey Supreme Court, “No one is obliged by law to assist a stranger, even though he can do so by a mere word, and without the slightest danger to himself.”
When You Are Not Required to Assist
In New Jersey, there are several situations where you are not required by law to assist anyone involved in an accident. “Understanding your legal obligations and rights after an accident is critical to ensuring you receive fair compensation and justice” stated Adam Rosengard, a seasoned New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer.
If you are involved in an accident or have questions about your responsibilities, Visit rosengardlawgroup.com to seek legal advice from the experienced Rosengard Law Group in NJ.
In many circumstances, it is always best to check local laws and guidelines to ensure you are acting within the bounds of the law in any given situation.
Here are the circumstances:
1. No Duty to Rescue in General
Generally, New Jersey does not impose a duty to rescue or assist others in danger, except in specific circumstances outlined by law. This means that bystanders or uninvolved parties are not legally required to assist, even if they witness an accident or emergency.
For example, if you were driving on the New Jersey Turnpike and witnessed a multi-car collision, you would not be legally obligated to stop and assist the individuals involved, unless you have a specific legal duty or special relationship with them.
2. No Special Relationship or Legal Duty
If you do not have a special relationship or legal duty to the individuals involved in the accident, you are not required to assist. This includes situations where you are not a parent, guardian, caregiver, or emergency responder with a professional obligation to act.
For instance, if you were a bystander and saw a car accident on Route 1 near the Trenton Battle Monument, you would not be legally required to assist the individuals involved if you do not have a direct relationship or duty to them.
3. Reasonable Fear for Personal Safety
If assisting those involved in the accident would put you in reasonable fear for your safety or well-being, you are not legally required to interfere. Your safety should be the top priority in such situations.
Consider a scenario where you witness a high-speed collision on the Garden State Parkway, and the vehicles involved are leaking hazardous materials. In this case, you would not be legally obligated to assist if doing so would put your safety at risk.
What to Do Instead
If you are not required to assist at the accident scene, there are still ways to help and make a positive impact:
Call 911 or report the accident to the authorities:
If you witness an accident, call 911 or report it to the local authorities immediately. Provide as much information as possible, such as the location, number of vehicles involved, and any visible injuries.
Provide a statement to the police if requested:
If the police arrive at the scene, they may ask you for a statement. Be honest and provide as much detail as possible about what you witnessed.
Seek help from a trained professional:
If someone is injured, let the trained professional handle it. Don’t try to move or assist the injured person unless you are trained to do so. Instead, wait for emergency services to arrive and follow their instructions.
Additional ways to help:
- Direct traffic: If the accident is causing a traffic hazard, try to direct traffic around the scene until the authorities arrive.
- Provide comfort: If some passengers or witnesses are shocked, try to provide comfort and reassurance until help arrives.
- Document the scene: If it’s safe to do so, take photos or videos of the accident scene from a safe distance. This can help investigators piece together what happened.
Remember, your safety is the priority. If you’re unsure about what to do, err on the side of caution and wait for the authorities to arrive.
What if I am a medical professional? Do I have a duty to assist?
If you are a medical professional, you may have a duty to assist in an emergency, but only if you are trained and qualified to do so.
Can I be sued if I don’t assist at an accident scene?
In New Jersey, you are generally not liable for failing to assist at an accident scene unless you have a legal duty to do so (such as if you caused the accident).
How do I know if I am required to assist at an accident scene?
If you are unsure whether you are required to assist, prioritize your safety and seek help from a trained professional or law enforcement.
While assisting at an accident scene can be a kind and responsible action, there are situations where you are not legally required to do so. Understanding New Jersey’s Good Samaritan law and knowing when to seek help from trained professionals can help keep you and others safe.
Whether you’re driving through Bergen County or Monmouth County, it’s essential to prioritize safety and seek help from authorities or medical professionals when needed.