8 Tips To Learn Foreign Languages While Travelling

Nothing motivates so well as a positive result after the case. The same applies to mastering a new language. Gradually, progress will become more noticeable, and the further use and practice of the language will be just fun. After all, with each new experience of communication, the process of language acquisition is faster, which means that language learning will progress much more effectively, especially when traveling and doings things such as trekking in Nepal.

Getting Started

Before the trip, we collect things, carefully study the information about the country, get acquainted with the traditions and laws, so as not to get into trouble. But the most important thing to do before traveling is to tune in to a foreign language and have a good translation service provider on hand. Initial knowledge of the language will help a lot in the future trip. However, you will immediately immerse yourself in the language environment and will use a foreign language in hotels, airports, restaurants, cafés, transport, and so on. In live communication and solving various issues that may arise on vacation, conversationalists can be completely useless, especially when you need not speak, but listen and understand.

Lifehacks for Your Travels

In fact, learning foreign languages while traveling is one of the best ways to learn languages overall and is a pretty fun activity, to say the least. Moreover, it’s not hard at all. Here are some of the best tips to have a good time and learn something new while you’re on the road.

  1. You will speak the language aloud from day one. No need to be afraid that you will distort words or construct phrases incorrectly. The most important thing is that during the trip, you will immediately speak a foreign language.
  2. You will immediately learn colloquial phrases. You should learn the simplest phrases like “How much is a ticket?”, “Where is the hotel?”, Which are useful when traveling. Not very eloquent, but understandable.
  3. Forget about learning strict grammar rules. When traveling, it is important to replenish your vocabulary and learn basic phrases. Really quality translation services can guide you in this question. You do not need to worry about the correct grammar – you will have time to learn it later, also in communication.
  4. Listen to the radio, watch local TV and bloggers on YouTube. This is another way to immerse yourself in the language environment. Listen to radio broadcasts on TuneIn – an online radio repository from around the world.
  5. During the trip, you will have the opportunity to use free online language learning tools. Favorite services are Duolingo and Italki. On these sites, you can not only train new words and phrases to memorize but also find a native speaker for individual lessons.
  6. All your travel time is practice. This is very useful for the language because people who are willing to spend a full day studying a foreign language will reach level B2 in just a few months.
  7. When traveling, you do not strive for perfection, which is also important. People are often so eager to speak perfectly that when they don’t succeed, they get upset and give up learning the language altogether.
  8. Interesting tours in a foreign language. Many interesting excursions are conducted in the language of the country you will go to. It is even easier to learn this language because you can enjoy interesting excursions, which will also be much cheaper. Excursions will also help you learn the history and culture of the country in which you are.

Motivation For Your Success

You can regularly hear crying to help find motivation and inspiration to learn a language. Travel is the biggest motivator! However, what else can help?

  • Knowledge of the language gives a successful career advancement. After all, an employee who speaks a foreign language is valued much higher. Accordingly, the chances of getting a higher position increase significantly.
  • Opportunity to study abroad. Knowing the language, you can try and enter a foreign university or take an internship in your specialty abroad.
  • Satisfaction of own ambitions and aspirations. Learning any language is also great memory training, which in the future makes it easier to learn any material.
  • No language barrier when traveling. Knowledge of the language leads to the blurring of cultural and national borders because a person begins to feel like a citizen of the world and can easily come into contact with representatives of other nations.

The Farther, the Better

If your goal is to learn several languages, it’s best to start with one language while traveling. At least until you reach the intermediate level and can speak this language confidently. Only then move on to learning another language. Although you can achieve significant success in a few months, you need constant practice to be able to use the language you have learned all your life. But there is also good news: when you travel, and therefore practice, you will not forget the foreign language you started learning.

Author Bio

Carl Hill never gets bored with travel and writing. Turning writing into a habit since his college years, he has strong attention to detail and a unique ability to invest his enthusiasm in his work. Whenever you’re looking for a piece of good travel advice, make sure to check Carl’s ideas. Maybe, he already managed to cover what you are looking for.


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