Hyd Shares New Single ‘AFAR’, Produced by Caroline Polachek

Hyd has released a new single, ‘AFAR’, which was written produced with Caroline Polachek, via PC Music. It follows the multidisciplinary artist’s 2021 debut self-titled EP. Check it out via the accompanying video transmission, directed by Rose Schlossberg, below.

“The voice in the song is meant to emanate from an imagined guardian – a presence without a body, an angel next to me,” Hyd said of the track in a statement. “My vision was gone and I had to steam my eyes regularly with hot water vapor, which was the predominant element of that time for me and this song. Caroline and I started ‘Afar’ in Santa Monica and finished it at her house in Brooklyn. The productions are distilled to feel like a vapor den.”

Konstantinos Pappis
Konstantinos Pappis
Konstantinos Pappis is a writer, journalist, and music editor at Our Culture. His work has also appeared in Pitchfork, GIGsoup, and other publications. He currently lives in Athens, Greece.

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