13 Gorgeous Stills From Lion (2016)

Lion is an Australian film based on the true story of Saroo Brierley. As a five-year-old boy (Sunny Pawar), Saroo is separated from his brother and ends up on a train out of his hometown. He ends up lost and taken into an orphanage, from where he’s adopted by an Australian couple (Nicole Kidman and David Wenham).

He relocates from India to Australia, where he grows up rather peacefully for some time. His parents adopt another child, Mantosh, who has a troubled past. Saroo commences his studies at university, where he meets Lucy (Rooney Mara) and realizes he’d like to learn more about his origins. He uses Google Maps to try to locate his home village, which takes longer than expected because his childish memory of the name is incorrect.

Lion was nominated for six Oscars, including Best Cinematogrpy for Greg Freiser. Here are 13 gorgeous stills from the film.


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