Throughout the week, we update our Best New Songs playlist with the new releases that caught our attention the most, be it a single leading up to the release of an album or a newly unveiled deep cut. And each Monday, we round up the best new songs released over the past week (the eligibility period begins on Monday and ends Sunday night) in this best new music segment.
On this week’s list, we have Angel Olsen’s warm, patiently reflective ‘All the Good Times’, the lead single from her new album Big Time; Beach Bunny’s ’Fire Escape’, the driving and earnest first single off their upcoming LP Emotional Creature; Rosie Carney’s new single ‘dad’, which infuses her evocative brand of indie folk with more of a shoegaze influence; My Idea’s off-kilter yet sincere new track ‘Breathe You’; ‘PUPTHEBAND Inc. Is Filing For Bankruptcy’, the funny, toweringly anthemic closing track to PUP’s new LP; and ‘I’m Gonna Say Seven’, a gorgeously stripped-back highlight off Alabaster dePlume’s new album GOLD.
Best New Songs: April 4, 2022
Song of the Week: Angel Olsen, ‘All the Good Times’
Beach Bunny, ‘Fire Escape’
Rosie Carney, ‘dad’
My Idea, ‘Breathe You’
PUP, ‘PUPTHEBAND Inc. Is Filing For Bankruptcy’
Alabaster dePLume, ‘I’m Gonna Say Seven’